The Second Sunday after Epiphany

506 S Mcneil St 506 S Mcneil St, Burgaw, NC, United States

Celebrant: The Rev. Dan MacGill Lay Assistant: Natasha Nunes Acolyte/Crucifer: Karl Hammers Oblations and Usher: Daniel and Johanna LeClair Organist: Jennings Trawick Altar Guild: Donna Anderson Coffee Hour Angels: Pam Anthony and Armin Jancis

The Third Sunday after Epiphany

506 S Mcneil St 506 S Mcneil St, Burgaw, NC, United States

Celebrant: The Rev. Dan MacGill Lay Assistant: Linda Painter Acolyte/Crucifer: Danny Philemon Oblations and Usher: Heidi and Jimbo Robbins Organist: Jennings Trawick Altar Guild: Pam Anthony Coffee Hour Angels: Pat Casaw